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My Story

On February 10th, 2015 I was ambushed pulling out of my driveway on my way to work.  20 bullets were fired from a 9mm handgun and six of them went right through me. Two shots fired through my chest pierced my lung and liver.  I spent a week in a coma, coded twice and required 14 units of blood to stay alive.  

In an effort to thank the doctors and nurses who saved my life along with the anonymous blood donors, I have established KK's Heroes and the Celebration of Heroes Blood Drives in partnership with the American Red Cross.  I share my story and those of others in order to inspire blood donation.  Since my shooting, I have hosted 16 blood drives, including the Red Cross' largest single day blood drive in California.  We have collected thousands of units of blood,  plasma and platelets potentially saving up to three times as many lives.

February 10th, 2015: A Reenactment

I share this story with hopes it will help those dealing with their own personal tragedy and inspire others to donate blood.

Kamila's Story

This is the Emmy Award-winning story of Kamila Saradpon, a lovely little girl who was born with a blood disorder called Thalassemia, which requires blood transfusions every three weeks.  By the age of ten, Kamila received  more than 170 blood transfusions and her need will never end. 

Celebration of Heroes Blood Drive

This is a recap of our first Kyle Kraska's Celebration of Heroes Blood Drive.  More than 600 people came out to honor Heroes in our community and to donate blood.  It has turned into the largest single day Blood Drive in California.

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